Paul Turner Range: T Shirts, Guitar Straps, Caps and Mugs

I’ve always liked ‘stars’, whether on trainers, beer bottles, watches or Bootsy Collins’ bass! Years back, I recorded the bass for a Bootsy demo and my good friend and builder of this site, Steve Jones, nicknamed me P-Star. So when bouncing ideas for a logo, he recommended the brilliant designer Iancu Barbărasă. Iancu took our theme of 4 lines representing bass strings, and created the awesome star logo for my merchandise.

The star features on my Signature Guitar Straps, T-shirts, caps and mugs. In addition you can find some ‘Bass’ themed T-shirts that I designed, also available in the store.

Let’s not forget music… Also available in the store is the Trioniq album ‘One Deux Tres’ in limited edition coloured vinyl.

Thank you for your support. Paul

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